1. A type of service dog that provides comfort and emotional support.
1. To teach a service dog specific tasks and behaviors.
2. To warn or signal the handler of a specific situation or condition.
3. An adjective used to describe something excellent or impressive about service dogs.
4. A strap or cord used to control and guide a service dog during walks.
5. To rest on the hindquarters.
5. To remain in one place until given a release command.
6. An intense feeling of affection or care towards the handler.
7. To save or retrieve from a dangerous or harmful situation.
8. A piece of clothing worn by a service dog as a form of identification.
9. Someone who is supportive, caring, and loyal to the handler.
9. To retrieve an object on command.
10. To inhale through the nose audibly, especially for detection or hunting purposes.
11. The sound made by a dog, also known as a bark.
12. To lay onto the floor or ground.
13. Unable to see.
13. A sharp explosive sound made by a dog.
14. To walk closely beside the handler without pulling on the leash.
15. The soft thick hair that covers a dog's body.
16. To assist or aid the handler in various tasks or situations.
17. Unable to hear.
18. A specific type of dog, selected for its suitability as a service dog.
19. A term used to praise a service dog.
20. A dog's foot.